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A mostrar mensagens de maio, 2011

Na Busca de Soluções Sustentáveis ao Problema de Encurtamento de Rotas Pelos ‘Chapas’ (Transportadores Privados de Passageiros)

Introdução Na grande Cidade das Acácias (Maputo), vai se tornando normal a enchente de cidadãos que esperam pelo transporte (público e/ou privado) para   se fazerem chegar aos seus lugares de interesse quotidiano. Diga-se que, nesta condição, já não existe hora de ponta, talvez ponta de hora, pois toda a hora já é de ponta. Estamos perante uma evidente crescente problemática de escacês de transporte versos a crescente da sua demanda. Um verdadeiro e real contraste para uma economia que se diga crescer na vertente de liberdade do mercado. Cidadãos que procuram os serviços de transporte crescendo em número (como é de esperar), por isso a constante extensão de áreas geográfica habitadas nas cidades de Maputo e Matola [1] associado ao éxodo rural. O rítimo de alocação dos transportes, tanto públicos como privados, não coaduna com o da sua demanda, assim a escacês vai se tornando óbvia e evidente. Por um lado, o crescimento populacional é visível e (até certo ponto) empiricamente e...

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) Hedonistic Interpretation of Happiness – The Only Standard of Goodness

I.                     Introduction According to Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) was the most famous and influential British moral philosopher of the nineteenth century. He was one of the last systematic philosophers, making significant contributions in logic, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, political philosophy, and social theory…”   Mill is known to be the greatest defender of the theory of utilitarianism, whose influence deserves to Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832). In this essay we aim to provide some explanation on Mill’s hedonistic interpretation of happiness as the only standard of goodness. Thus we will go through brief understanding of the utilitarianism theory, a doctrine which Mill adopted and developed from Bentham, raise some critical discussion around Mill propositions, including some try to raise discussion by inferring some Mill’s proposi...

Conversation with Delton - Socialism Vs Capitalism

[09-05-2011 17:56:11] Delton Muianga: hi [09-05-2011 17:56:17] Delton Muianga: how are you doing [09-05-2011 17:56:54] joaovembane: doing good [09-05-2011 17:57:07] joaovembane: what about you? [09-05-2011 17:57:29] Delton Muianga: attending E, eu com isso metting [09-05-2011 17:57:43] Delton Muianga: chaves is coming to university tomorrow [09-05-2011 17:57:51] joaovembane: wow [09-05-2011 17:57:57] joaovembane: wonderfull [09-05-2011 17:58:27] Delton Muianga: i dont think i would like to meet him [09-05-2011 17:58:41] joaovembane: why? [09-05-2011 17:59:00] Delton Muianga: we dont shere the same politicaly view [09-05-2011 17:59:31] joaovembane: then you making your self a politician [09-05-2011 17:59:36] Delton Muianga: i can guess the whole speach [09-05-2011 17:59:47] Delton Muianga: his speach [09-05-2011 17:59:52] joaovembane: and not a student of pc [09-05-2011 18:01:48] Delton Muianga: ofcorse is better to meet him but i dont think he have different view [09-05...

Carl Von Clausewitz Theory of War and the Quest for Weapons of Mass Destruction

Introduction: In this essay we aim at providing critical analyses to the idea that “The quest for weapons of mass destruction is the affirmation of Clausewitz’ thesis that the defeat of the enemy in war requires the maximum application of force” (UNISA Tutorial Letter 101 for PLS2610, 2011: pp12). This affirmation is fallacious since it relates an event to a reflection developed in a different context and with different aim. In this essay we start by exploring the theory of Clausewitz on war, the relation between war and politics and finally we bring our own conclusion. Analyses: Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831), a distinguished Prussian war philosopher have developed in his dialectic method a theory on war that ended in two distinguished concepts known as absolute war and real war. Clausewitz defines war as an extended duel between two parties in what armed force is used by the involved parties aiming at compelling one party (amongst themselves) to the will of the other. As for ...

When there is Even a Small Effort Dedicated to Persons with Disabilities their Abilities to Cope with HIV and AIDS Becomes Evident

It’s been almost two (02) years, since January of 2008, that Handicap International is implementing the project of “Empowerment of People with Disabilities and Strategic Partnership to Reduce Their Vulnerability to HIV and AIDS” . The project is basically focused on improving their capacities to advocate for more inclusive society (AIDS response related, in this particular case) that respect their rights to benefit from services that are generated as well as to consider their inputs valid to copping with the pandemic. Let us recall that people with disabilities, like in many societal life aspects, have been excluded both form participation (as active persons) and benefiting (as passive receptors) from HIV and AIDS services and information due to their conditions, but also (and thus greatly) from the judgments and attitudes that society has formulated around them. Thus, by no means HIV and AIDS information and services and information could reach People with Disabilities being totally ...